Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Paper; American Woman Studies

The effects of Sexism on the public Institution
Kam Imam

As we know well that women almost all aspects get discrimination and never end up only either private life formalized by law, custom or religion or  public institution such us government education, the health care system, bussiness the court and and law enforcement.
We could see in the economy, most women are discriminated against, many are poor caused the inequality that happened around them. In government and  to a large extent in politic, women are nearly powerless because the strategic position to make a policy related to the societal life especially the women need has been hold by male, before the law, they are discriminated again and deprived of many rights that aren’t even recognized, in health care they are exploited, policy maker didn’t put women as human being that always help what the scientifiec need, but put them as the object of capitalism which merely be consumer of the medicine.
Unfornately, in each instance, the discrimations are denied or justified by the same body of myth and mystification that governs women’s personal lives and also in the public institution. Sometime it is very difficult to find the solution in determine what the best for women is. The built system in the patriarchal is so strong, if we are against it like we face with common culture prevailing by society many years so that sometime we are looked on crazy.
Topic of sexism on the public institution is to tell us about the position of women in economy, the role of women in politics and medical care, the case of women in sexual harassment, affirmative action related to the law, equal right and another aspect how to make this phenomena does not merely keep in mind so that the quality between women and men are running without any discrimination in all society, public even in their mind.
The fact that in daily life especially culture life that has formed paradigm in patriarchal thinking way and a result of external condition given about how the subliminal effect develope and improve in our society about women without any counter balance again so that make the differenciation between men and women so hard, it is not recognized as the first problem continuing nowadays. For instance about Women’s relationship to a job or career is different from a man’s, this paradigm said as well which one is suitable for man but not for women and on the contrary, Women as a second and has a primary job, it means that go public or have job outside for women is not primary job, it was just for adding an activities for them because the primary job has waited for in home, another things has influenced the subliminal effect is Culture Hegemony and liberated commitment Unconsciousness women and their willingness to follow their mom and grandmothers
So on in the another life of women like in politics and medical care, Medical care system both of istitution and industry affect the quality of women life as profoundly as any other, and yet women have little influence over the practice of health care in america, delivery service, costs, research, laws, or medical training.
We can draw about the positive fact about women and her relationship together with medical care system that Women are part of the medical care system, Women as majority of worker and consumer, Women has double roles in the system & home, Most patient communication for and about family members flows through women and The system depend on women; raw material for experimentation and research, but ironically the reality which they feel about the role and what the best made for them didn’t reach well, it is we look on as negatif fact of women in the politics and the medical care system because medical care system are controlled and made by male, Women didn’t get the first treatment in healthy even always blame in their healthy, Women isn’t first person in making decision of her or son health, The doctor always communicates with men first to decide what must they do for the patients and what make the women hurt is Policy maker of healthy depend on male  that sometime unknown whether the woman need in their healthy and daily life protection.
To reduce discrimination on the women, economic is one of important thing to decide  where the position of woman in patriarchal culture is. Women position in american economy didn’t take it for granted but according to the interest, ability and acquired skill Both women’s & mens’s choices are limited by sex roles. It happens almost in societies that the sexual division of labor is natural and is determided by the biological differences between the sexes. In the economic system there is no different between men and women, everyone plays two basic roles; producer and consumer. So that women has to have abilty in supporting theirselves by education they joined and awareness of their position that must be equal together with men in order they can improve and develop their status that between men and women have chances and the same abilities. Although in job they always have sexual harassment and double standart in patriarchal that they have primary job as burden in home but at least it is to show that women is not secondary, supporting pathner and Etc.
How the law answer, negotiate and find the way to overcome inequality that happen to women in our society life?. It is not easy to answer this question. We know that laws are rules of the game consist of a collection of rules and procedures codified, formalized, made explicit which the conceptual framework are written, such a set of values, attitudes and general principles toward people, community and government. finally the whole system of legislation, courts, procedures and people that is the concrete reflection of the abstract concepts will be decided by people who hold power, concervatism people, in this context is more by male, moreover our legal system relies heavily on precedent, continuity, conservatism to give it stability and to ensure orderliness, credibility and respect.
The discrimination in the public institution is the reality of subordination on the women still happen nowadays, the solution of this problem are
1.      how women show their capacity in public that what men can do, so can women, Take the competition with men especially in the institution which mainly subject make a regulation  to be law product which was, being and will be done by society.
2.      Awareness of men in patriarchal culture is the best solution to reduce even to lose the discrimination in the public institution. they must change their paradigm if women is supporting system to be pathner system  in order women and men have equal, same civil right, and same chances to have role in the public institution.
3.      The law is a powerfull weapon in the struggle for social, political, and economic equality between woman and men. The law in patriarchal culture is not merely intrepreted suitable with what men need and think but more considerable what women need.

Abramovit, mimi. 1996. regulating the live of women (rev.ed). Boston. south End Press
Ruth, Sheila, 1990. Issues in Feminism. California. mayfield publishing Company

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