Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

info undangan

Hal      : Undangan
Sifat    : Penting

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Teriring Salam dan do’a semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungan Allah Swt, LancarRizkinya dan Sehat Selalu. Amin

Sehubungan dengan rencana Haflatul Imtihan oleh Yayasan Almiftah Madrasah Miftahul-Ulum Batang yg akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22-23 JUNI 2011, kami selaku bidang komunikasi dan informasi memberitahukan Bahwa dalam rangka merajut tali Silaturahmi dan mempererat ikatah Ukhuwah antar sesama Alumni Al-Miftah kita, maka kami memberitahukan kepada teman2 Alumni untuk hadir pada:

Hari                              : Jum’at
Tanggal                        : 24 Juni 2011
Jam                               : 15.00 - Selesai
Acara                            : Evaluasi kegiatan Ikamuba,
                                        Temu Kangen dan Ramah Tamah

Maka dari itu, besar harapan kami teman-teman Alumni Ikamuba hadir pada acara Silaturahmi tersebut.
Demikian surat undangan ini kami buat, Atas Perhatiannya disampaikan terima Kasih.

Billahi taufiq wal Hidayah
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
Batang-Batang 18 Juni 2011


Kam  Imam, SPd.
                                                                                         Kabid Infokom Ikamuba


Review of R.W Emerson’ Self-Reliance 
Resumed by
Kam  Imam
Depend on the Emerson’s essay in the literature book; "The intelectual American Tradition" His thought is divided into Three parts:
First; the importance of self reliance (Paragraph 1-17) Emerson begins his major work on individualism by asserting the importance of thinking for oneself rather than meekly accepting other people's ideas. As in almost all of his work, he promotes individual experience over the knowledge gained from books: "To believe that what is true in your private heart is true for all men. that is genius." The person who scorns personal intuition and, instead, chooses to rely on others' opinions lacks the creative power necessary for robust, bold individualism. This absence of conviction results not in different ideas, as this person expects, As a whole, it promotes self-reliance as an ideal, even a virtue, and contrasts it.
Second; self-reliance and the individual (paragraphs 18-32) Emerson gives a little example that we must "Trust thyself," to rely on others' judgments is cowardly, without inspiration or hope. A person with self-esteem, on the other hand, exhibits originality and is childlike unspoiled by selfish needs. It is to this adventure of self-trust that Emerson invites us: We are to be guides and adventurers, destined to participate in an act of creation modeled on the classical myth of bringing order out of chaos.
Third; self-reliance and society (paragraphs 33-50). Our age yields no great and perfect persons. We want men and women who shall renovate life and our social state, but we see that most natures are insolvent; cannot satisfy their own wants, have an ambition out of all proportion to their practical force, and so do lean and beg day and night continually. Our housekeeping is mendicant, our arts, our occupations, our marriages, our religion we have not chosen, but society has chosen for us. We are parlor soldiers. We shun the rugged battle of fate, where strength is born.

oleh Rublik Opini pada 11 Juli 2010 jam 3:58

Dewasa ini, kita telah menemukan krisis multidimensional yaitu dimensi-dimensi intelektual, moral, dan spriritual yang tidak pernah terjadi sepanjang sejarah perjalanan umat manusia. Kini dimensi tersebut telah melahirkan berbagai fenomena sosial dan masyarakat pada tingkat yang sangat memprihatinkan seperti kejahatan tindak kekerasan, kecelakaan, bunuh diri, alkoholisme, penyalahgunaan obat-obatan, cacat mental, penyakit kejiwaan dan sebagainya.Dampak krisis terhadap lingkungan berupa pencemaran akibat limbah kimia dan nuklir sebagaimana terjadi di negara-negara maju. Akibat limbah tersebut telah mengganggu sanitasi yang merupakan habitat murni potensial bagi seluruh kehidupan. Air yang kita minum dan makanan yang kita makan telah tercemar oleh berbagai bahan kimia beracun. Makanan sintetis yang dikemas sebagaimana dipasarkan di supermarket, sangat merajalela. Terlebih lagi pestisida, plastik, dan bahan-bahan kimia lainnya dipasarkan dengan bebas.

Kemerosotan kualitas lingkungan alam, telah dibarengi dengan meningkatnya masalah kesehatan bagi masing-masing individu. Sementara penyakit menular dan penyakit kekurangan gizi merupakan pembunuh terbesar di negara-negara dunia ketiga. Negara-negara industri diserang penyakit-penyakit hati, kanker, dan stroke sebagai pembubuh utamanya. Pada sisi psikologi, depresi yang hebat (schizofrenia) dan penyakit-penyakit psikiatris lainnya tampak muncul dari kemerosotan lingkungan sosial kita. Berbarengan dengan munculnya berbagai patologi sosial, kita juga menyaksikan adanya anomali ekonomi yang mengacaukan semua ekonom dan politisi terkemuka. Inflasi yang tinggi, pengangguran besar-besaran, dan distribusi pendapatan serta kekayaan yang tidak merata telah menjadi kultur ekonomi nasional. Kecemasan yang timbul di masyarakat umum dan para wakil rakyat diperburuk oleh persepsi bahwa sumber energi dan sumber alam yang merupakan bahan dasar dari semua aktivitas terkuras habis. Para ahli dan politisi tidak tahu lagi harus mulai dari mana terhadap berbagai ancaman multidimensi - habisnya energi, inflasi, pengangguran, kejahatan, penyakit, pencemaran lingkungan, gangguan sanitasi, kualitas pendidikan dan lain sebagainya.

Keadaan jaman telah sangat mengejutkan karena orang-orang yang seharusnya ahli dalam berbagai bidang, tidak lagi mampu menyelesaikan masalah-masalah mendesak yang telah muncul di dalam bidang keahlian mereka. Ekonom tidak mampu memahami inflasi, dokter sama sekali bingung tentang penyebab-penyebab kanker, psikiater dikacaukan oleh depresi yang hebat (schizofrenia), polisi tidak berdaya menghadapi kejahatan yang meningkat, dan sebagainya. Pemerintah telah berpaling kepada para akademisi untuk berkonsultasi baik secara langsung maupun melalui tenaga pemikir yang dibentuk sebagai penasihat pemerintah dalam berbagai kebijakan. Bahkan pemerintah telah mengangkat banyak sekali para ahli hingga profesor dari kalangan perguruan tinggi untuk duduk bersama dalam menyelesaikan berbagai masalah. Elite intelektual ini merumuskan “pandangan akademik utama” dan biasanya pemerintah sepakat tentang kerangka konseptual yang mendasari nasihat mereka. Namun The Washington Post memuat cerita yang berjudul “The Cupboard of Ideas is Bare”, yang menceritakan tentang pemikir-pemikir besar yang mengaku bahwa mereka tidak mampu lagi memecahkan persoalan-persoalan kebijakan yang paling mendesak bagi bangsa mereka. Tak seorangpun dari mereka mengenali persoalan sebenarnya yang mendasari krisis pemikiran itu. Kenyataan bahwa sebagian besar akademisi menganut persepsi-persepsi realitas sempit yang tidak memadai untuk menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan besar pada jaman sekarang. Persoalan-persoalan ini, merupakan persoalan-persoalan sistemik, yang berarti bahwa persoalan-persoalan itu saling berhubungan dan saling tergantung. Persoalan-persoalan itu tidak dapat dipahami dalam metodologi yang terpecah-pecah yang merupakan karakteristik disiplin akademik dan ciri badan pemerintah. Pada saat kita memeriksa sumber-sumber krisis kultural, ternyata tokoh-tokoh pemikir kita menggunakan model-model konseptual yang telah kadaluwarsa dan variabel-variabel yang tidak relevan.

Untuk memahami krisis budaya yang multisegi, kita perlu mengambil pandangan yang sangat luas dan memandang situasi kita dalam konteks evolusi budaya manusia. Itu berarti kita harus mengubah perspektif kita dari awal abad kedua puluh satu ke suatu rentang waktu yang mencakup ribuan tahun yang lalu yaitu dari pengertian struktur sosial statis hingga persepsi pola-pola perubahan dinamis.

Dilihat dari intensitas kerusakan lingkungan alam dan lingkungan sosial, pola-pola budaya Toynbee nampak sangat relevan karena ternyata hal itu merupakan akibat dari sejumlah transisi budaya. Diantara transisi-transisi itu terdapat tiga komponen yang yang sangat menggoncangkan dasar kehidupan manusia dan akan mempengaruhi sistem sosial, ekonomi, dan politik. Transisi pertama adalah runtuhnya sistem patriarkhal yang didasarkan pada sistem filsafat, sosial dan politik dimana pria dianggap lebih memegang peran dibandingkan dengan wanita. Akan tetapi disintegrasi patriarkhal mulai terlihat dengan adanya gerakan feminis yang merupakan salah satu arus budaya yang akan memberikan pengaruh kuat terhadap evolusi berikutnya. Transisi kedua, runtuhnya bahan bakar fosil yang paling dibutuhkan oleh teknologi modern saat ini. Dari perspektif historis evolusi budaya, jaman bahan bakar fosil menjelang habis dan puncak kecilnya sekitar tahun 2000 dan akan habis menjelang tahun 2300. Dasawarsa ini akan ditandai transisi dari jaman bahan bakar fosil ke jaman bahan bakar surya yang akan melibatkan perubahan-perubahan radikal dalam sistem ekonomi dan politik. Transisi ketiga, berhubungan dengan nilai budaya yang disebut dengan perubahan paradigma yang akan mempengaruhi pemikiran, persepsi, dan nilai-nilai dalam pembentukan suatu visi realitas baru. Paradigma yang menganggap metode ilmiah segala-galanya harus ditransformasi kebentuk pengetahuan intuitif yang lebih berorientasi pada wawasan sosial dan lingkungannya. Dengan demikian akan ada hubungan yang selaras antara berbagai kehidupan dengan alam. Sebagaimana falsafah Cina yang menitikberatkan pada keseimbangan alam antara Yin dan Yang dimana Yang berada disisi pengetahuan rasional, analisis, dan ekspansi sementara Yin sebagai sosok feminim kita yaitu kearifan intuitif, sintesis dan kesadaran ekologis. Dengan ini kita akan menyadari betapa selain adanya pengetahuan ilmiah dengan segala keterbatasannya, terdapat juga pengetahuan intuitif atau kesadaran yang sama sahih dan terpercayanya bahkan akan membangun peradaban baru yang seimbang.

Paper; American Woman Studies

The effects of Sexism on the public Institution
Kam Imam

As we know well that women almost all aspects get discrimination and never end up only either private life formalized by law, custom or religion or  public institution such us government education, the health care system, bussiness the court and and law enforcement.
We could see in the economy, most women are discriminated against, many are poor caused the inequality that happened around them. In government and  to a large extent in politic, women are nearly powerless because the strategic position to make a policy related to the societal life especially the women need has been hold by male, before the law, they are discriminated again and deprived of many rights that aren’t even recognized, in health care they are exploited, policy maker didn’t put women as human being that always help what the scientifiec need, but put them as the object of capitalism which merely be consumer of the medicine.
Unfornately, in each instance, the discrimations are denied or justified by the same body of myth and mystification that governs women’s personal lives and also in the public institution. Sometime it is very difficult to find the solution in determine what the best for women is. The built system in the patriarchal is so strong, if we are against it like we face with common culture prevailing by society many years so that sometime we are looked on crazy.
Topic of sexism on the public institution is to tell us about the position of women in economy, the role of women in politics and medical care, the case of women in sexual harassment, affirmative action related to the law, equal right and another aspect how to make this phenomena does not merely keep in mind so that the quality between women and men are running without any discrimination in all society, public even in their mind.
The fact that in daily life especially culture life that has formed paradigm in patriarchal thinking way and a result of external condition given about how the subliminal effect develope and improve in our society about women without any counter balance again so that make the differenciation between men and women so hard, it is not recognized as the first problem continuing nowadays. For instance about Women’s relationship to a job or career is different from a man’s, this paradigm said as well which one is suitable for man but not for women and on the contrary, Women as a second and has a primary job, it means that go public or have job outside for women is not primary job, it was just for adding an activities for them because the primary job has waited for in home, another things has influenced the subliminal effect is Culture Hegemony and liberated commitment Unconsciousness women and their willingness to follow their mom and grandmothers
So on in the another life of women like in politics and medical care, Medical care system both of istitution and industry affect the quality of women life as profoundly as any other, and yet women have little influence over the practice of health care in america, delivery service, costs, research, laws, or medical training.
We can draw about the positive fact about women and her relationship together with medical care system that Women are part of the medical care system, Women as majority of worker and consumer, Women has double roles in the system & home, Most patient communication for and about family members flows through women and The system depend on women; raw material for experimentation and research, but ironically the reality which they feel about the role and what the best made for them didn’t reach well, it is we look on as negatif fact of women in the politics and the medical care system because medical care system are controlled and made by male, Women didn’t get the first treatment in healthy even always blame in their healthy, Women isn’t first person in making decision of her or son health, The doctor always communicates with men first to decide what must they do for the patients and what make the women hurt is Policy maker of healthy depend on male  that sometime unknown whether the woman need in their healthy and daily life protection.
To reduce discrimination on the women, economic is one of important thing to decide  where the position of woman in patriarchal culture is. Women position in american economy didn’t take it for granted but according to the interest, ability and acquired skill Both women’s & mens’s choices are limited by sex roles. It happens almost in societies that the sexual division of labor is natural and is determided by the biological differences between the sexes. In the economic system there is no different between men and women, everyone plays two basic roles; producer and consumer. So that women has to have abilty in supporting theirselves by education they joined and awareness of their position that must be equal together with men in order they can improve and develop their status that between men and women have chances and the same abilities. Although in job they always have sexual harassment and double standart in patriarchal that they have primary job as burden in home but at least it is to show that women is not secondary, supporting pathner and Etc.
How the law answer, negotiate and find the way to overcome inequality that happen to women in our society life?. It is not easy to answer this question. We know that laws are rules of the game consist of a collection of rules and procedures codified, formalized, made explicit which the conceptual framework are written, such a set of values, attitudes and general principles toward people, community and government. finally the whole system of legislation, courts, procedures and people that is the concrete reflection of the abstract concepts will be decided by people who hold power, concervatism people, in this context is more by male, moreover our legal system relies heavily on precedent, continuity, conservatism to give it stability and to ensure orderliness, credibility and respect.
The discrimination in the public institution is the reality of subordination on the women still happen nowadays, the solution of this problem are
1.      how women show their capacity in public that what men can do, so can women, Take the competition with men especially in the institution which mainly subject make a regulation  to be law product which was, being and will be done by society.
2.      Awareness of men in patriarchal culture is the best solution to reduce even to lose the discrimination in the public institution. they must change their paradigm if women is supporting system to be pathner system  in order women and men have equal, same civil right, and same chances to have role in the public institution.
3.      The law is a powerfull weapon in the struggle for social, political, and economic equality between woman and men. The law in patriarchal culture is not merely intrepreted suitable with what men need and think but more considerable what women need.

Abramovit, mimi. 1996. regulating the live of women (rev.ed). Boston. south End Press
Ruth, Sheila, 1990. Issues in Feminism. California. mayfield publishing Company


By; Kam  Imam

If i have learned anything in a lifetime in politics and government, it is the thruth of the famous phrase, “History is Biography”, that decision are made by people, and they make them based on what they know of the world and how they understand it.
Vice President george Bush,1987

One of the most unsetting things for the foreigner is the impression that our foreign policy can be changed by any new president on the basis of the president’s personal performance.
Former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, 1979

Leadership, power, influence, path-builder, director. it can defined in many ways, but most commonly Leader is person who influences the thoughts and behaviors of others; a leaders is one who establishes the direction for others to willingly follow. One person can serve as a leader or several persons might share leadership. A person may be appointed as leader or may be elected by people within his circle. Leaders play vital role in standardizing performance. Leaders can influence other to perform beyond the expectations. Managers plan, organize, lead and control so that “leading” and “managing” are inseparable, they are both integral part of each other. If one cant influence and inspire others to work willingly towards aims then all planning and organizing will be ineffective. Similarly setting direction is usually not enough, no matter how inspiring one can be, management skills are crucial.
Leaders will simultaneously fill many roles interacting, motivating group members, solving conflicts as they arise. Leaders set vision, strategies, goals, and values in order to guide for desired action and behavior. Leaders are characterized by certain traits which distinguish leaders from non-leaders includes Drive, desire to lead, honesty, cognitive ability, self-confidence and knowledge. Effective leaders must have two major qualities: knowledge and communication competence. Leader needs knowledge of issue and the ways of effectively leading a team. This knowledge will enable leader to identify alternatives available. He also needs to be an effective communicator as equally listener and speaker. Leaders should acquire qualities of flexible, openness, empathetic, courage, interactive, and positive attitude.
Leaders are rarely chosen by elections. People with admirable, desirable, and consistent behavior inexplicably rise to leadership. These select people have certain characteristics that help people to recognize them leaders. Amongst these are confidence, morality, discipline and respect.
            One important quality of a good leader is confidence. When a leader believes in himself, others will follow suit. Leaders cannot expect others to believe in them if they doubt themselves or the decisions they make. In addition, in order to lead, one must have a sturdy set of moral values. A steady set of values will always be a reference when one is faced with tough decision-making. People should be able to predict how their leader will react to certain situations because they know what creed they live by. A leader with moral values gives those who they lead assurance that the decisions they make will be desirable ones. Another trait that a good leader possesses is discipline. Leaders must be able to first discipline themselves and then those who they lead. With little effort, a leader should be able to put others on the right track. Finally, all leaders need respect: respect for themselves, respect for others, and most importantly, respect from others. A leader with no respect is no leader at all. People adhere only to those whom they respect; therefore, a leader must earn the respect of others through consistent and continue accountability. Any person who has these traits (confidence, morality, discipline, and respect) possesses the keys to leadership. It is their choice to use them effectively or not to use them at all.
Leader Characteristics is natural ability or made that influencing foreign policy performance in america and almost happened all over the world. It is used to influenced by  inclining to take risks to exploit opportunities, world of view as a jungle, distrustful of others, contemptuous of his adversaries, and has a quick temper.
President is driven by a fear of failure stemming from low self-esteem, a fear overcome in the past by dramatic and succesfull action that restored his self-confidence, respond the crisis he faces, confine himself to the cannons  of rational choice, or respond  his unique characteristic behaviour affected by his background, belief, and his personality traits.
Individual Character In U.S Policy
Nation states are incapable of acting or thinking, they are simbols for collectivities and the people within their borders. So that the personal characteristic to make decisions on behalf of the nation are crucial to show what they are, why they are, and how they are in domestic and public role.
Here is the characteristic that has been potrayed by Charles W. Kegley jr. and Eugene R. Wittkopf;
1.      Individuals as a source of foreign policy
Individual is not the supporting aspects in leadership but the primary characteristics belongs to leader as the first capital that has been owned. Individual characteristics is main source for the leader. Ralp W. Emerson aphorism: There is properly no history only Biography, means that individual leaders are the makers and movers of history.
It is not strange anymore why in the exchange presidence Each new administration seeks to distinguish itself from its predecessor  and to highlight policy departures as it seek to convey the message that it has enginered an new and better order.
As written in the American foreign Policy book literature (1996). For example, Truman doctrine, the Kennedy round, as if asserted that the individual are synonymous with the nation itself, and off routinely attributing foreign affairs successes and failures to the administration in which they occured. It is because the assumption and the fact that this policy of president has happend repeteadly so that the social society have opinion New Leader assumed to make a difference.  
No boby refused that Leadership and policy are potrayed synonymous, and change in policy and policy direction are perceived as results  of the predipositions of the leadership. Characteristic of individual draws attention to the psychological foundation of human conduct. Perception, personal need, and drivers are all important determinant of the way people act. The cognitions and responses of decision maker are determined not by “objective” fact of the situation; but by their image of situation. Act according to the way the world appears not necessarily to the way it is (boulding 1959)
2.      Individual and foreign Policy performance
Almost every period the performance, policy and characteristic of leader is not identical, each person differs in some way from every other. Here we can see the Instance of Personal diversity of american president in post war II “soft-spoken” Ike eisen hower, “Charismatic” Jack kennedy, “Triky dick” Nixon, “Down-home” Jimmy Carter, Hollywood “Dutch” Reagan, Preppi” George Bush, “Slick willie” Clinton.
Individual and each characteristic of president, it can be seen from life history of policy makers, psychological make up and Worldview.The caused of personal diversity according to the barber, donovan and stoesinger are determined by their early chilhood experiences, relationship with their parent and peer, their self concept, and the like. These background factors are presumed to mold the leader’s personalities, belief and their later decision-making styles and policy making Behavior
3.      Personal characterictics and foreign policy behaviour
These are some example of Personal characteristic and foreign policy behaviour; Woodrow wilson which has bad experience with his father made him to have created an all comsuming need in later to life to attain self-esteem. His policy is always back to his experience when he was child where his father always gave punishment to him which asked him to make policy that forced him to strove in order to perform great deeds to conpensate for his fear of rejection. James forrestal, the first american secrectary of defense, which always be driven and worrisom forrestal became obsessed by paranoiac fantasies too much that took him ended his carier tragically. Kennedy with his family which caused different treatment to the son in the family. So that in every his policy always make one policy different with predessor. The case of henry kissinger which escaped from persecution when he was still young. The fact when he was be president of America he consistenly acted as policy maker on his belief, first, that people are limited in what they can do, and second, that because of the complexity of life, many inponderables make history move. Ironically, however, the principle of uncertainty that supported his pesimistic world view may have been the source of his successes, for kissinger’s achievement may be attributed in part to his ability to use ambiguity, negotiated compromise, and secrecy as well as public relation strategies inginiouly devised to enhance his image.
These short story is to illustrate the varied personalities of those who have risen to position of power in the american foreign policy establishment and the impact of their need, back ground and prior experiences on their later outlook and policy making behavior.
One critical component of what leaders in managerial roles bring to the work setting is their traits, that is, the relatively enduring characteristics of a person. The current view is that specific traits do not invariably determine leadership effectiveness but they can increase its likelihood. The traits of leadership has indicated are most apt to predict effective leadership are drive, motivation to lead, honesty/integrity, self-confidence and emotional maturity.
As a person moves up in the organisation, the relative importance of technical and the importance of conceptual skills become increasingly critical. It should be clear that all three of these types of skills are vital to the leadership position. The first of these, emotional intelligence, has probably received the most attention to date, one of its chief proponents even going so far as to say it is the indispensable ingredient of leadership. The essence of emotional intelligence, as name implies, involves an awareness of others’ feelings and a sensitivity to one’s own emotions and the ability to control them. Then social intelligent, which is more focused outward on being able to ‘read’ other people and their intentions. A person who is socially intelligent is someone who has considerable tacit knowledge, knowledge that is not always directly made explicit or to use a more everyday term, is ‘savvy’. For leadership to occur, traits and skills must be transformed into behaviour. There are two types of leaders’ behaviour. Task behaviour, also termed initiating structure’ behaviours, centre on specifying and identifying the roles and tasks of the leaders themselves and their subordinates. Such behaviours involve planning assignments, scheduling work, setting standards of performance and devising the procedures to carry out the tasks. People behaviour, has also been termed ‘consideration’ or ‘relationship’ oriented. Essentially, include being friendly and supportive, showing trust and confidence.
We can explore these ideas further by looking specifically at the relationship between presindetial character and presidential performance.  James david barber’s analysis of president’s personal traits and leadership styles is particularly informative. According to the Barber, president can be understood best by observing their “style” (habitual ways of prforming political roles), “World View” (political relevant belief), and especially “Character”, the way the president orients himself toward life not for the moment, but enduringly (barber 1992).
In response to the early criticisms of the trait approach, theorists began to research leadership as a set of behaviors, evaluating the behavior of 'successful' leaders, determining a behavior taxonomy and identifying broad leadership styles.  David McClelland, for example, Leadership takes a strong personality with a well-developed positive ego. Not so much as a pattern of motives, but a set of traits is crucial. To lead; self-confidence and a high self-esteem is useful, perhaps even essential.
Kurt Lewin, Ronald Lipitt, and Ralph White developed in 1939 the seminal work on the influence of leadership styles and performance. The researchers evaluated the performance of groups of eleven-year-old boys under different types of work climate. In each, the leader exercised his influence regarding the type of group decision making, praise and criticism (feedback), and the management of the group tasks (project management) according to three styles: authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire.
The managerial grid model is also based on a behavioral theory. The model was developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton in 1964 and suggests five different leadership styles, based on the leaders' concern for people and their concern for goal achievement. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadership#Behavioral and style theories)
Barber explored dimensional character of presiden into two kinds. First, Critical means that the energy president put into the job active or passive. Second, their personal satisfaction with their personal duties. Postive or negative. These explanation can classified broader into four catagories; passive – negative emphasize their civic virtue like the calvin coolidge and Dwight Eisenhower, passive – positives are after love like william taft, warren harding and ronald Reagan, Active negatif aims to get and keep power like Woodrow wilson, Lindon Johnson and Richard Nixon President,  and  active – positive means that president want most to achieve result, here we can looked at how franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy George Bush and Bill Clinton lead and be real president in his foreign policy and Etc.
Surely, every styles of leadership will gave the positive and negative impact. But the posisitive character of president theoritically will minimize the negatif impact especially in facing the internal and external problem that president face. We realize that leader personalities impact foreign policy performance in many ways, ranging from grand design to their choice to the adviser and way they organize their advisory systems. In this context Alexander George (1988) describes three different approaches president have evolved for managing the task they all face of mobilizing available information, expertise, and analytical resouces for effective policy making. For example the formalistic which clear lines of authority minimize the need for presidential involvement in the inevitable politicking among cabinet officer and presidwntial adviser. The Competitive, in this system, the president purposely seeks to promote conflict and competition among presidential adviser. And the last, the Collegial model, collegial model system more priority teamwork and group problem solving are sought, with the president acting like the hub of wheel with spokes connecting to individual advisers and agency heads.
What approach a president chooses the system and how it operates in practice wil be shaped by the president personality: by his or her cognitive style analogues to his world view, sense of efficacy, and competence, and general orientation to political conflict influenced by their experience and invironment so that president will think hard to find the best solution and minimize problem and negative impact to the society and country. Another way to asses and explanate the impact of individual’ idiosyncratic characteristic on their foreign policy behaviour is to investigate Foreign policy belief associated with different personality traits.
Here is the personality traits that can be known in the literature book american foreign policy that has been written by Charles and Eugene;
1.      The Nationalist
Nationalism is state of mind gives primary loyalty to one-nation-state to the exclussion of other possible object of affection.
2.      The Militarist
It defines the individual attitude toward aggression
3.      The Conservative
It is as a psychologycal concept, conservatism denotes a cluster of interrelated personality characteristic rather than a political philoshopy.
4.      The Pragmatist
It is interestedin what work; their prime criterion of value is succes. It is the very definition of pragmatism to turn away from a belief in fixed principles toward the thruth of concrete result (miroff 1976)
5.      The paranoid
It is psychoneurotic disorder characterized by excessive suspicion, fear, and distrust of others. Paranoids believe that people are out to get them, and their expectation becomes the driving force behind their behavior.
6.      The Machiavellian
Deriving its name from the philosopher/adviser to the prince of florence in renaissance in Italy, It is a personality syndrome emphasizing strategy and manipulation over principle and sentiment.
7.      The true believer
True believer is fanatic ideolgy stereotyped more to the terrorist, crusader and another believer that too much in his view to the world and another people, religion, and Etc.
8.      The authoritarian
It is constellation of predisposition that includes adherence to conventional values and condemnation of those who reject them. Authoritarian crave authority, obeying leaders submissively and uncritically while abusing the right of subordinates. Authoritarian think in stereotypes; they see themselves as a victims, are cynical about other people’s motives, and value force and order. (adorno et al. 1950)
9.      The antiautharitarian
Refers to a partially integrated attitude syndrome exhibited by introspective people uncomfortable with order and power. Antiauthoritarians impulsively embrace left-wing political views emphasizing idealism, optimism, and a preference for change (kreml 1977).
10.  The dogmatist
The personality trait of dogmatism is characterized by a closed mind. Dogmatis prisoners of past attitudes form opinion and refuse to modify them despite contrari evidence. Unreceptve to forming new images, they are intolerant of ambiguity and incosistent information. Perceptual inflexibility is particular, as is passionate attachment to authority figures. Established doctrines are important to the dogmatist; hence, dogmatism is equated with rigidity (rokeach 1960).
According to Patrick J. Montana and Bruce H. Charnov, the ability to attain these unique powers is what enables leadership to influence subordinates and peers by controlling organizational resources. The successful leader effectively uses these power(s) to influence employees, and it is important for the leader to understand the uses of power to strengthen the leadership functioning.
The authors distinguish the following types of organizational power:
·         Legitimate Power refers to the different types of professional positions within an organization structure that inherit such power (e.g. Manager, Vice President, Director, Supervisor, etc.). These levels of power correspond to the hierarchical executive levels within the organization itself. The higher position such as President of the company has a higher power than the rest of professional positions in the hierarchical executive levels.
·         Reward Power is the power given to managers that attain administrative power over a range of rewards. Employees who work for managers desire the reward from the manager and will be influenced by receiving it as a result of work performance. The rewards may be pay raisse or promotions.
·         Coercive Power is the manager's ability to punish an employee. Punishment can be a mild punishment such as a suspension or a serious punishment such as termination.
·         Expert Power is attained by the manager due to his or her own talents such as skills, knowledge, abilities, or previous experience. A manager which has this power within the organization may be a very valuable and important manager in the company.
·         Charisma Power A manager who has charisma will have a positive influence on workers, and create the opportunity for interpersonal influence. A person has charisma, and this will confer great power as a manager.
·         Referent Power a power that is gained by association. A person who has power by association is often referred to assistant or deputy.
·         Information Power a person who has possession of important information at an important time when such information is needed to organizational functioning. Someone who has this information knowledge has genuine power. For example, a manager's secretary would be in a powerful position if the secretary has information power.
This is a simple exploration about individual characteristic that happened in American foreign Policy System that occurs in American Society. Still many other evidences that we can’t explain much about it where those all can explain clearly that foreign policy system in America is one of the fact unique over there that interested to be studied by Scholar of American studies.

We find that the people who make American foreign policy are not that different from one another after all. Only certain types of people seek position of power, and top leader are recruited from similiar backgrounds and rise to the top in similiar ways; consequently. They share many attitudes and personality characteristic. Morever, once in office, their behaviors are shaped by the position they occupy; they tipically see their options differently from within the system than they did outside it. Often they conform their belief to the beliefs of their peers and predecessors. The pressure impossed by the office and decision making setting elicit similar policy responses from diverse personalities. The result: different individuals often pursue their predecessor’ policies and respond to international event consistently. American policy makers thus routinely display a propensity for incremental change, perpetuation of establisehed routines of thought and action, preservation of established policies.
This reasoning invites the conclusion that, even though the president and his or her immediate circle of advisers constitute  one of the powerfull institution in the world, and even though, in principle, they have the resources to bring about prompt and immediate change by the decision they make,  those powers are in fact seldom excercised. In today’s complex world, it is difficult for great leader to emerge, and momentous decisions are rare. Personal characteristics influence the style with which decision are reached, but the overall thrust of America foreign policy remained highly patterned and fixated on the past. As Ole Holsti (1973) puts it, “Names and faces may change, interest policies do not”, thus Henry Kissinger’s comment in 1976, as the nation prepared to elect a new president, remains a timeless and telling observation: “the essential outline of U.S.  Policy will remain the same no matter who wins the U.S. Presidential Election ” 

W. Kegley, jr., Charles,  and Eugene R. Wittkopf (1996) American Foreign Policy pattern and Process, Fifth Edition. New York
P. J. Montana and B. H. Charnov, 2008 Ch. "Leadership: Theory and Practice", p. 253